About the Journal

Indonesian Journal of Islamic Elementary Education (p-ISSN 2797-3840 and e-ISSN 2797-992X) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal published twice a year by the Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan State Islamic University, Indonesia. This journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and research in the areas related to elementary education. The scope in detail is as follows:

  1. Instructional Design in Islamic Elementary Education
  2. Instructional Media in Islamic Elementary Education
  3. Curriculum and Learning in Islamic Elementary Education
  4. Management of Learning in Islamic Elementary Education
  5. Evaluation and Assessment in Islamic Elementary Education 
  6. Psychology and Counseling in Elementary School
  7. Policy in Islamic Elementary Education