JURNAL PENELITIAN is a peer-reviewed journal published by LP2M K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid State Islamic University, Pekalongan. ISSN printed version of Jurnal Penelitian is 1829-9903 and ISSN electronic is 2541-6944. It is nationally accredited Sinta 2 by the Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in Director Decree 21/E/KPT/2018.
Our journal facilitates researchers to publish their research, whether quantitative research, qualitative research, field research, or literature review.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.28918/jupe.v20i1

Published: 2023-06-01

Mediating Alghorithm Mediating Da’wa: The New Preacher and Optimization of Social Media for Da’wa in the Case of Habib Ja’far

Impact of Understanding, Islamic Religiosity, Product Knowledge, and Trust on Intellectual Property Rights Waqf Intentions

Actualization of Religious Moderation in Islamic Fatwas in Mainstream Online Media in Indonesia

Digital Feminism in Indonesia: The Counter-Narratives to Gender Inequality on Instagram

Psychometric Characteristics of the Kalam Cognitive Test (KCT): An Andrich Rating Scale Analysis

Kyai Haji Abbas Abdul Jamil’s Da’wa Model: The Combination Between Tradition Aspects with Psychosufism

Religious Tolerance Model of Society in Jepara: Principles Analysis of Freedom, Acceptance, and Trust

Psychological Approach to Prevent Religious Radical Behavior in Children