Author Guidelines

The authors are required to submit the manuscript through the Jurnal Penelitian website after completing the author registration process.

Additionally, the author needs to adhere to the stipulated terms and conditions outlined in the Jurnal Penelitian Style Guide (the Journal template can be downloaded on the website).



  1. The authors must submit an original scientific paper that has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication in other publishers.
  2. Articles can be written in either English or Indonesian.
  3. Generally, an article should range between 5,000 to 6,000 words, including the title, abstract, tables, and references. The manuscript should be formatted in Microsoft Word with single spacing, Garamond font size 12, in a one-column .doc, .docx, or .rtf format (not PDF). Page numbers are not required.
  4. The manuscript begins with an abstract of 150-250 words written in English. Keywords are between three to five words or phrases.
  5. Abstracts should succinctly convey the problem's background, objectives, methods, and results.
  6. Author names should be listed without academic degrees.
  7. Citations should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style for proper referencing.
  8. Consider using citation management software such as Mendeley or Zotero.
  9. The article's formatting should adhere to the Jurnal Penelitian Style Guide.
  10. The manuscript must not contain any instances of plagiarism, falsification, or data fabrication.
  11. Authors should complete revisions within the specified time frame provided by the Editor.
  12. To assist authors in preparing their manuscripts, we offer an article template