Focus and Scope

Erudita: Journal of English Language Teaching is a peer-reviewed and open access journal on teaching and learning English as a foreign and second language. The journal follows a double-blind review policy.

The primary objective of this journal is to publish research-based articles that delve into a comprehensive examination of the theories and practices involved in teaching and learning English as a foreign and second language. The specific focus lies on developing and non-English speaking countries. The journal’s scope is international, extending a warm invitation to English language practitioners, academics, and researchers with diverse interdisciplinary perspectives. The journal’s scope addresses English language teaching (ELT) and learning areas, including:

  1. First, second, and foreign language teaching and learning
  2. Curriculum design and development
  3. Teacher professional development
  4. Technology-enhanced language learning
  5. Innovation in ELT
  6. English for specific purposes
  7. Language testing and assessment
  8. Intercultural and multicultural education
  9. Multimodality
  10. Discourse analysis
  11. Literature and teaching