Religious Moderation in the Land of Syari'a: Christian Women's Resistance in Acehnese Education Institutions


  • Mustamar Iqbal Siregar Chairman of the Religious Moderation House of IAIN Langsa, Aceh
  • Bahtiar Prodi Komuniskasi Penyiaran Islam (KPI), Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, IAIN Langsa, Aceh2
  • Mhd Rasid Ritonga University of Canberra



Religious Moderation, Resistance, Women


As an area for implementing Islamic law as well as having the most absolute Muslim majority in Indonesia, Aceh is one of the most exotic loci in research and studies on religious moderation. Especially in the initial data it was found that there was a tendency to encourage religious moderation through Christian minority groups, especially women in Aceh. By using James C. Scott's theory of public transcript (open resistance) and hidden transcript (closed resistance) and supported by functionalism theory, this paper portrays how the functional resistance of Christian women in demanding the right to identity and self-study of religion in educational institutions in Aceh, specifically focused on two locations, namely Langsa City and Banda Aceh. Through research using a qualitative methodology based on data sources from interviews, observations, and documentation, it was found that Christian women fighting for their identity in educational institutions in Aceh occurred in two phases of resistance, namely hidden transcript (closed resistance) and public transcript (open resistance). Furthermore, in terms of resistance in the struggle for the right to study religion on their own in educational institutions, it is carried out with public transcripts (open resistance). Finally, it was also found that women are social beings who are most effective in carrying out their functionality in realizing religious moderation. Therefore, this paper recommends that the Government, through the Ministry of Religion, consider women's format as agents of religious moderation.


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How to Cite

Mustamar Iqbal Siregar, Bahtiar, & Mhd Rasid Ritonga. (2023). Religious Moderation in the Land of Syari’a: Christian Women’s Resistance in Acehnese Education Institutions. Edukasia Islamika, 8(1), 97–116.