Salafi-Jihadist Movements and Ideology in Educational Institutions: Exploring the Nexus with Religious Moderation


  • Hatim Gazali Information System, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University
  • Dewi Anggraeni Fakultas Tabiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Mariam Eit Ahmed Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université Ibn Tofail, Kenitra



Salafi Jihadis, Moderasi Beragama, Lembaga Pendidikan


The increasing global actions of “jihad” significantly impact the landscape of Islam in Indonesia. Within this context, educational institutions have not been immune to the infiltration of Salafi Jihadist ideologies and movements. This study examines the ideology, characteristics, and interpretation of Salafi Jihadist Islam within educational institutions and its relationship with the mainstreaming of religious moderation. The historical approach is employed in this study. A qualitative research design is employed to investigate these phenomena, combining content analysis from a comprehensive literature review and actor analysis. This methodology enables a thorough examination of Salafi Jihadist religious ideology and responses to the infiltration of Salafi Jihadist ideology through religious moderation. The findings of this study reveal several key insights: a) the ideology and movements of Salafi Jihadists in educational institutions pose a significant threat to religious practices and beliefs; b) the Salafi Jihadist ideology, with its distinctive Salafi Islamic characteristics, exerts a strong influence that attracts followers; and c) mainstreaming religious moderation in educational institutions through various means such as curriculum development, fostering a moderate culture, implementing policies, and promoting good practices can serve as a preventive measure against the infiltration of Salafi Jihadist ideology and movements. These research findings have important implications for developing more effective strategies and interventions to counter the Salafi-Jihadi movements and promote education that is grounded in moderate and inclusive Islamic values.



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How to Cite

Hatim Gazali, Dewi Anggraeni, & Mariam Eit Ahmed. (2023). Salafi-Jihadist Movements and Ideology in Educational Institutions: Exploring the Nexus with Religious Moderation . Edukasia Islamika, 8(1), 127–146.