Women, Reconciliation Right and Gender Justice in Islam Family Law

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Religious teachings are considered to have long oppressed women. Teachings having been dominated by men
have been used as justifications for the perception of society that is very detrimental to women. This article
discusses the gap of understanding on women's rights to reconcile with their husband who have divorced
them, viewed from the perspective of Islamic scholars and Islamic law. In this case, the Qur'an has the
principle that the positions of men and women are equal as a servant, because men and women are created
from the same substance (min nafsin waahidah), the same task (khalifatullah filardh), and have same
obligations (liya'budun). However, Muslim scholars agree that the reconciliation is absolutely the
husband’s right. In gender perspective, women can apply for reconciliation (Rujuk) as their rights to their
husbands. This study conducts analysis using a content analysis approach related to the issue of
reconciliation rights dominated by men (husbands) by means of redeeming the husband's rights that have
been given to them. And in the presence of khulu, the wife also has the right of reconciliation (Rujuk) to the
husband who has divorced her

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How to Cite
Aswiyanto. (2019). Women, Reconciliation Right and Gender Justice in Islam Family Law. Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), 173–186. Retrieved from https://e-journal.uingusdur.ac.id/Penelitian/article/view/7750


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