Tek Millet, Nationalism Religious Edoganism

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B.J. Sujibto


This article aims at examining forms and characteristics of Turkish nationalism under Erdoganism,
a relatively new term which has been devoted to leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The notion of
nationalism has not been the main focus on the full range of the political rhetoric and the social
interactions demonstrated by Erdogan. However, generally considered as a fundamental element in
Turkey's social and political development, nationalism always remains a hot topic which cannot be
separated from social dynamics and society itself. For this reason, nationalism will endlessly continue
to look for a dynamic form and, at the same time, becomes an instrument of the ruling to control the
distribution of power. Erdoganism itself has various distinct approaches towards the narrative and
development of Turkish nationalism. This research used a qualitative approach with discourse
analysis method by elaborating symbols, languages, writings, and speeches demonstrated by Erdogan
in the political activities. The findings of this research are expected to be able to comprehend
nationalism of Erdoganism.

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How to Cite
Sujibto, B. . (2019). Tek Millet, Nationalism Religious Edoganism. Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), 161–172. Retrieved from https://e-journal.uingusdur.ac.id/Penelitian/article/view/7736


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