Ideal Type of Islamic Healing in Indonesia: A Case Study on Pak Endog Alternative Islamic-Type Medication

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Nur Qomariyah Imzastini
Gabriel Roosmargo Lono Lastoro Simatupang


The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. Some cultural
and religious concepts and practices concerning spiritual or supernatural relationships are often ignored
because they are contrary to the concept of Islamic teachings. This article analyzes the Islamic healing
practiced in the socio-cultural life inherently. The religious space practice in terms of identification, healing
and restoration of illness illustrates that the interaction between religion and culture is not rigid in
addressing health and humanitarian issues. This article is based on field research at alternative healing in
Tuban East Java which elaborated by enrichment of literary texts. The results of this study discuss various
types of Islamic-based healing as alternative medicine that spreading in Indonesian culture. This study map
analyzes the characteristics of Islamic healing, both Normative Islam and Cultural Islam. Both cannot be
ignored as variants of religious and cultural practices in the health context.

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How to Cite
Imzastini, N. Q. ., & Simatupang, G. R. L. L. . (2024). Ideal Type of Islamic Healing in Indonesia: A Case Study on Pak Endog Alternative Islamic-Type Medication. Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), 113–126. Retrieved from


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