Rethinking the Book of Al-‘Aql al-Siyasi al-‘Arabi and Indonesian Political Phenomenon

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Ali Akhbar Abaib Mas Rabbani Lubis


This article focuses on al-‘Aql al-Siyasi al-‘Arabi’s work and its relevance. It also touches the political
phenomenon in Indonesia during 2016-2019 concerning ““NKRI Bersyariah (Sharia Republic of
Indonesia Unitary State)” discourse supported by FPI and “khilafah” discourse supported by HTI. The
research method employed was qualitative one involving library research viewed from Pierre Bourdieau’s
perspective on habitus, field and distinction, and helped with interactive model of data analysis encompassing
data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. The result shows that al-Jabiri views
qabilah, ghanimah and aqidah as the habituated keywords since pre-Islam times. The temperament was
manifested into the fighting for realizing the ideologies (aqidah) of “NKRI bersyariah” initiated by FPI
qabilah, and “khilafah” (transnational) initiated by HTI qabilah. These ideologies basically are the
capitalism movement trading Islam (ghanimah) to interest group. The incarnation of al-Jabiri’s terminology
can be relevant to Indonesian political phenomenon.

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How to Cite
Lubis, A. A. A. M. R. . (2024). Rethinking the Book of Al-‘Aql al-Siyasi al-‘Arabi and Indonesian Political Phenomenon. Jurnal Penelitian, 17(1), 67–80. Retrieved from


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