Pesantren and Takzir in Indonesia: Lawrence Friedman’s Legal System Perspective

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Muhammad Chairul Huda
Sukirno Sukirno
Sukron Ma’mun


This article explains the legal system existing in the Pesantren, particularly in the term of takzir called
perceived as non-human punishment contradictory with human rights. This research took place in Pondok
Pesantren Edi Mancoro (PPEM) Salatiga with inclusive and tolerant characters, and voicing religious
moderation. PPEM has had alumni becoming national figures. This study employed Lawrence Friedman’s
legal system theory requiring the functioning of law in three components: legal structure, legal substance, and
legal culture. This research employed qualitative method with data source obtained from field work study
with depth interview technique and descriptive interpretive analysis. The result of research showed that
Pesantren Edi Mancoro has legal system component as required by Friedman. In the context of takzir,
there is a shift in the takzir (punishment) application method to evidently undisciplined students or those
committing crime. Takzir contributes to creating personality (noble character) of santri in undertaking life
post-pesantren. Takzir actually has educative values not contradictory with human rights. So, takzir in
pesantren fulfills all components of legal system suggested by Friedman. Out of the three components, legal
culture is the basic components of takzir functioning in pesantren, either internal or external legal culture.

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How to Cite
Huda, M. C. ., Sukirno, S., & Ma’mun, S. . (2024). Pesantren and Takzir in Indonesia: Lawrence Friedman’s Legal System Perspective. Jurnal Penelitian, 17(1), 43–54. Retrieved from


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