The Hegemony of Pesantren Ulama in the Contemporary Political Dynamics of Central Java

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Imam Yahya
Muhammad Aflahmuna Ananda


This study aims to examine the hegemony of religious leaders (Ulama) in contemporary politics and how Ulama exercise their hegemonic roles in the political process in Central Java. Data was obtained through primary and secondary sources, with primary data collected through field research using interviews, and secondary data gathered through literature research. The findings indicate that the entanglement between Ulama and politics is caused by two factors: political oligarchy within political parties and the political hegemony of Ulama. The political hegemony of Ulama in the political constellation of Central Java makes them highly influential in political affairs. However, from the perspective of real political dimensions in Central Java, Ulama have yet to secure strategic positions in either the executive or legislative branches.

Article Details

How to Cite
Yahya, I., & Ananda, M. A. (2024). The Hegemony of Pesantren Ulama in the Contemporary Political Dynamics of Central Java . Jurnal Penelitian, 21(2), 114–124.
Author Biographies

Imam Yahya, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Full Name and title               : Prof. Dr. H. Imam Yahya, M.Ag.

Functional Position               : Professor

NIP                                      : 1970041995031001

SCOPUS ID/                        : 57915480000/

SINTA ID                            : 5975638

Google Scholar /ORCID ID : K8axuZcAAAAJ/0000-0003-1971-2852

ORCID                                 : 0000-0003-1971-2852

Place/Date of Birth               : Brebes, April 10, 1970

Office Address                     : Jl. Walisongo No. 3-4 Jrakah Semarang

Home Address                      : Griya Pandana Merdeka Blok H.2 Bringin Ngalian


E-mail Address                     : [email protected]

Areas of Expertise                : Islamic Law/Fiqh

Muhammad Aflahmuna Ananda, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Islamic studies


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