Cultural Diversity Education in “Islam and Religious Moderation” Courses: Case Study in Islamic Higher Education


  • Karnadi UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
  • Silviatul Hasanah Walisongo State Islamic University
  • Escuela Superior de Cómputo Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City 07320, Mexico
  • Elaine Wilson 4Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge



Cultural Diversity, Moderation Courses, Islamic Higher Education


This research aims to analyze the model for implementing cultural diversity education in Islamic and religious moderation courses at Islamic universities. Using qualitative methods. This research uses a narrative inquiry approach where data is collected through discussions and interviews. The collected data was analyzed using the Jean Clandinin model through filtering, grouping, and verifying narrative data. The findings of this research show that this implementation model involves several stages. First, provide an in-depth understanding of the concept and indicators of religious moderation in various countries. Second, connecting the concepts studied with practical situations. Third, integrating moderate behavior into community life through project-based learning methods. The culture of educational tolerance is also strengthened through learning methods that encourage critical thinking skills, which are implemented through guided discussions, text analysis, and contemporary case studies. By focusing on understanding moderate religious teachings, this research can help students and lecturers develop an inclusive and tolerant perspective on religion so that it can encourage the formation of a harmonious and mutually respectful society on campus and in broader society.


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How to Cite

Karnadi, Hasanah, S., de Cómputo, E. S. ., & Wilson, E. . (2023). Cultural Diversity Education in “Islam and Religious Moderation” Courses: Case Study in Islamic Higher Education. Edukasia Islamika : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 8(2), 165–186.