About the Journal

Asghar : Journal of Children Studies, ISSN Print: 2477-4189Online2477-4715, published by Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Asghar : Journal of Children Studies aims to provide a forum for consideration of issues and for the exchange of information and ideas on research and practice in the field of children’s education in Muslim society. Asghar : Journal of Children Studies features original research in children’s education in Muslim society from around the world. With this as its main focus, it should be emphasized that the definition of education contains parenting and its multidisciplinary approach, covering all related fields, including Islamic religion, psychology, sociology, child’s health and social work. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Children's education in Islamic perspective
2. Children's relationship with family and Muslim community
3. Cross-cultural education for children
4. Innovation and technology for children's education
5. Educational environment, curriculum and assessment
6. Child growth and development
7. Health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood
8. Leadership and management in early childhood education
9. Early literacy and numeracy
10. Ethnoparenting
11. Inclusive education