General Guidelines

Alsinatuna is an Arabic and English journal focusing on Arabic Education and Linguistics. It is published biannual, in June and December. All articles must be submitted by Online Submission at e-journal portal address:

where author register as Author and/or offered as Reviewer by online. If authors have any problems about the online submission, please contact Editorial Team at the following email:

[email protected]

  1. The manuscript must use Arabic or English and has not been sent to and reviewed by any other journal.
  2. The manuscript is about 12 – 20 pages, 1 space for 12 point KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskhor 1,5 space 12 point Times New Roman.
  3. An abstract is in 150-200 words in Indonesian and English, along with 3-5 keywords.
  4. Outline of the paper: title, name of the author completed with name of the institution and email, abstract, introduction, method, results, conclusion and references. Those parts are written without numbering format.
  5. The author should send the manuscript in the form of Microsoft Word or RTF.
  6. Arabic references must be transliterated in Indonesian.
  7. The guideline of transliteration is SKB of the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs No. 158 of 1987.
  8. Footnote and reference is in Turabian 8th Style.

Drafting Structure

Articles should be preceded by a title, followed by the author’s ID(s), abstract, keywords and the main body of the article. The main body of the article contains the introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion and references. The introduction and discussion are not a must; the author can directly mention the title and subtitle of the discussion.


Title must be brief but informative. It contains neither abbreviations nor jargons; it is written with maximum length 15 words in bold capital letters with font KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh 16 pt. for Arabic and Times New Roman 12 pt. for English. The topic should be actual and up-to-date.

Author’s identity

Author’s name(s) is written without academic degree, with font Times New Roman 12 pt in bold. If the name contains only 1 (one) word, it should be written twice (repeatedly), yet containing identity, institutional affiliation and the accessible address of the corresponding author for the pre- and post-publication purposes.


Abstract must be concise and factual. It must explain research objectives, research method, findings, and conclusion. Avoid abbreviations; however, if crucial, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract. Abstract is written in both English and Indonesian with approximately 150 – 200 words in length. Use line spacing 1 and give 1 cm before and after abstract paragraph.


Keywords should contain the general terms and be plural. Acronym should be effectively used (legal abbreviations used in the field that meet the requirements). These keywords will be used for indexation.


Introduction should contain background, review of relevant literatures to justify novelty,  and objectives. References from previous researches must be current, relevant, and original (primary). However, literature reviews should not necessarily be too extensive.

Content of article is written with font KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh 16 pt., line spacing 1 (Arabic articles), and Times New Roman 12 pt., line spacing 1.5 (English articles). Each new paragraph should be indented about 1 cm from the left margin.

Footnotes are written with font KFGQPC Uthman Taha Naskh 14 pt., line spacing 1 (Arabic articles), and Times New Roman 10 pt., line spacing 1 (English articles). Each footnote should be indented about 1 cm from the left margin.


Materials and methods should make readers be able to reproduce the experiment. Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Do not repeat the details of established methods.

Result and Discussion

This section should explore research result. Result are presented systematically in accordance with research objectives. It must be supported with data analysis and good illustrations. Each picture or table must be numbered and with brief description. When referring to images or tables, avoid using the words like "above" or "below". Format for writing tables can be seen from the following example:


Conclusion must answer main objectives of the study. It is written in one single paragraph and in the form of a narrative (avoid using bullets and numbering). Discussion is no longer needed in this section. Conclusion may be added with suggestions for further related studies. The suggestions are written in a separate paragraph after the conclusion.


Bibliography lists only the sources referenced in the article. It consists of at least 40% of the latest scientific journal articles (the last 10 years). The writing system, both in footnotes and in bibliography, should refer to the Turabian 8th edition. Arabic references must be transliterated into Indonesian by referring to the SKB of the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Education and Culture No. 158 of 1987.

Letters used in bibliography are Times New Roman 12 pt. Technically, each reference in bibliography is written without indent for the first line and with 1 cm indent for the next line(s). There must be line spacing 1 within one reference, and line spacing 2 between references. References in bibliography are alphabetically sorted. It is suggested the use of a references manager, MENDELEY or ZOTERO. Further info in relation to this referencing format, see





Khaḍr Mūsā Muḥammad Maḥmūd, Al-Naḥw wa al-Nuḥāt, al-Madāris Wa al-Khaṣā’iṣ (Beirut: ‘Ālam al-Kutub, 2003), 15.

Short Note

Maḥmūd, Al-Naḥwu wa al-Nuḥāt, 25.


Maḥmūd, Khaḍr Mūsā Muḥammad, Al-Naḥw wa al-Nuḥāt, al-Madāris Wa al-Khaṣā’iṣ. Beirut: ‘Ālam al-Kutub, 2003.

Chapter of Book


Musdah Mulia, “PolitikIdentitas: AncamanTerhadap Masa DepanPluralisme di Indonesia,” in Politik Identitas dan Masa DepanPluralisme Indonesia, ed. Ihsan Ali Fauzi (Jakarta: Democracy Project, 2012), 48.

Short Note

Mulia, “Politik Identitas,” 58.


Mulia, Musdah.“Politik Identitas: AncamanTerhadap Masa DepanPluralisme di Indonesia.” In Politik Identitas dan Masa DepanPluralisme Indonesia, edited by Ihsan Ali Fauzi, 48-62. Jakarta: Democracy Project, 2012.

Translated Book


Oxford R L, Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know, trans. Muhammad Da’dur (Kairo: Maktabah al Anglo al Mishriyyah, 1996), 26.

Short Note

Oxford, Language Learning, 30.


R L, Oxford. Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Translated by Muhammad Da’dur. Kairo: Maktabah al Anglo al Mishriyyah, 1996.

Thesis dan Dissertation


Muhbib Abdul Wahab, “Metode Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Nahwu: Studi Teori Linguistik Tammam Hassan,” Disertasi., (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2008), 100.

Short Note

Wahab, “Metode Penelitian,” 125


Wahab, Muhbib Abdul. “Metode Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Nahwu: Studi Teori Linguistik Tammam Hassan.” Disertasi., Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2008.

Online Journal


Muhammad Jafar Shodiq, " al-Qiyām al-Syakhṣiyyah wa Tanfīżuha fi Ta’līm al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah," Alsinatuna 3, no. 2 (2018): 133-149,

Short Note

Shodiq, " al-Qiyām al-Syakhṣiyyah,” 140.


Shodiq, Muhammad Jafar. " al-Qiyām al-Syakhṣiyyah wa Tanfīżuha fi Ta’līm al-Lugah al-Arabiyyah." Alsinatuna 3, no. 2 (2018): 133-149.

Journal articles often list many authors, especially in the sciences. If there are four or more authors, list up to ten in the bibliography; in a note, list only the first, followed by et al. (“and others”). For more than ten authors (not shown here), list the first seven in the bibliography, followed by et al.



Tulus Musthofa, " IMLA dan Peran Pembentukan Peradaban Bangsa," Republika, Agust 28, 2015,

Short Note

Musthofa, “IMLA.”


Musthofa, Tulus . " IMLA dan Peran Pembentukan Peradaban Bangsa." Republika, Agust 28, 2015.



Muhbib Abdul Wahab,  “Tantangan  dan Prospek Pendidikan  Bahasa Arab  di Indonesia,” accessed June 11, 2015,

Short Note

Wahab,  “Tantangan.”


Wahab, Muhbib Abdul. “Tantangan  dan Prospek Pendidikan  Bahasa Arab  di Indonesia.” Accessed June 12, 2015.

Personal Communication


Interview with Student Ashief El-Qorny, Wonosobo, October 2, 2018.