From Discrimination Towards The Justice Of Law

(A Study Of Marriage Registration For Adherent Of Belief)


  • Syarifa Khasna IAIN Pekalongan



Adherents Of Belief, Discrimination, Marriage Registration


The existence of adherents of belief in Indonesia is still discriminated against regarding
their legal standing in the front of the State, especially regarding the issue of marriage
registration. Adherents of belief are not included in the religion recognized by the state
so that it is difficult to register their marriages. This is important to discuss because
marriage registration will affect the marital legal standing and is related to the state's
obligation to provide justice and equal rights. This article discusses the legal justice of
marriage registration for adherents of belief using the normative juridical method. The
results of the study indicate that although the state has regulated the procedure for
registering marriages for adherents of belief, there are still many adherents of belief
who experience problems in registering marriages because not all religious
organizations are registered. This is phenomenon are deemed not in line with the
implementation of the 1945 Constitution which guarantees the constitutional rights of
adherents of belief, including the registration of marriages.


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How to Cite

Khasna, Syarifa. 2021. “From Discrimination Towards The Justice Of Law : (A Study Of Marriage Registration For Adherent Of Belief)”. Asian Journal of Law and Humanity 1 (1):107-18.


