Religious Moderation Messages On The Sanggar Difabel Indonesia Youtube Account To Create An Inclusive Indonesian Society

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Nadhiroh Nadhiroh
Devina Melinawati
Tutut Nur Trias Wijayanti


This article explores the messages of religious moderation on the Sanggar Difabel Indonesia Youtube account to create an inclusive Indonesia society. The presence of disabled people is increasingly receiving attention from various parties. So far, people with disabilities made by the owner of the Sanggar Difabel Indonesia YouTube account is to provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities to develop their pontential. The methode used in this research is descriptive qualitative with content analysis. Data was obatine through interviews, samples of the content of Sanggar Difabel Indonesia YouTube acoount and other library document. The results of the research show that in the Youtube account of Sanggar Difabel Indonesia, it is stated that the owner of Sanggar Difabel Indonesia tries to be fair, balanced, upholds human values and tolerance towards all disabled people of different religions.

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How to Cite
Nadhiroh, N., Melinawati , D. ., & Nur Trias Wijayanti, T. . (2023). Religious Moderation Messages On The Sanggar Difabel Indonesia Youtube Account To Create An Inclusive Indonesian Society. Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation, 7(2), 80–91. Retrieved from