Integrasi Budaya Islam pada DINAMITE: Media Sosialisasi Ramah Lingkungan dan Eskalasi Keterampilan Matematika


  • Siti Ghoyatul Muna Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
  • Putri Nur Malasari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus



augmented reality, islamic culture, mathematical proficiency, realistic mathematics education


The purpose of this research is to produce LKPD Geometry flat shapes based on the Minangkabau Gadang architecture that is valid and practical. This is research and development (Research and development). By using the 4-D development model. The procedure for applying the development model that the researcher did was only in three stages, namely the define, design, and develop stages. The research instrument consisted of a validity sheet and a practicality sheet. The data analysis technique used is validity analysis and practicality analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the Geometry LKPD based on the Minangkabau gadang architecture that was designed was valid and practical. The results of the validity test are 83.63% with a very valid category, and the results of the practicality test of 95.11% are categorized as very practical.




How to Cite

Muna, S. G., & Malasari, P. N. . (2021). Integrasi Budaya Islam pada DINAMITE: Media Sosialisasi Ramah Lingkungan dan Eskalasi Keterampilan Matematika. Circle: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(2), 161–171.