Ratib Al-Attas Dhikr Therapy as a Ta'zir for Female Santri Indiscipline


  • Fitria Nur Afifah Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Syafi’i Akrom Kota Pekalongan
  • Samir Mahmoud Usul Academy Lombard USA




dhikr therapy, ratib Al-Attas, ta'zir, female santri indiscipline


Student discipline is not influenced by personality factors, students who have good personalities are not completely good, because these students still commit violations, especially in the aspect of indiscipline. The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of Ratib al-Attas dhikr therapy at the Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah Syafi'i Akrom, Pekalongan City and to determine the discipline of the students before and after carrying out the Ratib al-Attas dhikr therapy as a ta'zir for female santri indiscipline at the Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah Syafi'i Akrom, Pekalongan City. This research uses a qualitative approach with a field research type of research. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. By using data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman model, namely: data collection stage, data reduction stage, data presentation stage, and conclusion stage. The results of this research indicate that Ratib al-Attas dhikr therapy as a ta'zir for female santri indiscipline at the Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah Syafi'i Akrom, Pekalongan City includes three stages, namely the initial stage (conditioning), the middle stage (implementation) and the final stage (evaluation). The indiscipline of students before and after carrying out Ratib al-Attas dhikr therapy at the Islamic Boarding School of Salafiyah Syafi'i Akrom, Pekalongan City, experienced different changes. The first and second santri insisted not to repeat their indiscipline again in the future. In the third and fourth students, they felt normal after doing Ratib al-Attas dhikr therapy. The fifth subject felt increasingly challenged to be indisciplined again.


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