"Kejahatan Seksual Pedofilia Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana dan Islam"
Sexual crimes of pedophilia will have a negative impact for children.
Not only undermine the future of the physical, but also mental and
psychological damage the child, such as major depressive disorder
may be brought later into adulthood. Moreover, most people with
pedophilia caused because he had been the victim of sexual abuse similar
in childhood. The criminal acts of pedophilia is very detrimental to the
victims and the wider community. Therefore, the victims need care and
protection of the law. The law in Indonesia that ensnare the practice of
pedophilia was not serious. So that the penalty for pedophiles is not
commensurate with what has been done and the risk of future damage
to the victims. Besides the protection of the public for the victims of
pedophiles are also very less.
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