IQTIDA : Journal of Da'wah and Communication <p>IQTIDA: JOURNAL OF DA’WA AND COMMUNICATION published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah KH. Abdurrahman Wahid State Islamic University, Pekalongan, Indonesia is a scientific publication that discusses discourse of da'wa science.</p> <p>This journal focuses on issues of da’wa problems in Indonesia. Iqtida is intended to communicate the results of theoretical study and the results of research on da’wa. The themes in the journal include the study of texts, field studies with various perspectives both from the standpoint of Islamic communication and broadcasting, Islamic counseling, and da’wa management.</p> <p>IQTIDA is published twice a year in June and December with ISSN Print: 2775-5207 and e-ISSN 2808-8344. The main focus is to distribute the curiosity of academic, invite experts to look da’wa comprehensively from the perspective of Islamic communication and broadcasting , Islamic counseling, and da’wa management. Seeing the Islamic da’wa activities as has been practiced in reality life.</p> <p>IQTIDA is a peer-reviewed journal. It is available online as open access sources as well as in print. This statement clarifies ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, the reviewer, and the publisher.</p> en-US [email protected] (Iqtida) [email protected] (Iqtida) Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Dai's Strategy In Multicultural Communities: Efforts To Build A Cross-Faith Dialogue For Harmonic Life <p><em>This paper will specifically examine da'wah strategies in multicultural societies and explore the ways in which preachers make concerted efforts to oversee the social changes occurring within society. This paper is reviewed using library research methods, which involve the research of various types of literature and documents that are pertinent to the subject matter under discussion. </em><em>Effective da'wah strategies aimed at maintaining and developing a harmonious life include recitation strategies, tazkiyah strategies, and taklim strategies. The recitation strategy involves conveying the universal truths of Islam to make them accessible and acceptable to individuals of all religious backgrounds. The Tazkiyah strategy is a component of the effort to motivate religious individuals to internalize religious teachings, while the Taklim strategy involves teaching and educating religious individuals to ensure the practical implementation of their religious teachings.</em></p> ahmad Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Faqih Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Media Literacy Among Santri Students Efforts to Build Originality and Credibility of Citizen Journalism <p><em>This research aims to determine the role of students in Islamic boarding schools in coloring information in the digital world so that the information produced is truly validated and to build the credibility of citizen journalism. The methodology used by the author is library research with a descriptive approach from a postpositivist perspective, namely observing all Islamic boarding school activities naturally and then explaining them in the form of descriptions, while for analysis, the author uses Miles Huberman data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The author's research shows that the educational activities developed by this Islamic boarding school are ideal for meeting the requirements of citizen journalists. Because being a journalist not only requires knowledge of the tools but also the building of the information that will be conveyed. In Islamic boarding schools a person is taught science (Nahwu), Tool Science (Sharf), Arabic, Fiqh, Hadith, Akhlaq, Tarikh, Tajwid, Ulumul Qur'an, Ulumul Hadith, Ushul Fiqh, and Sufism. These sciences are able to support a person's knowledge in processing and producing information. Tool science can help someone skillfully write information to the public, by collaborating with religious sciences as a basis for considering morality, appropriateness, and even the effectiveness of messages.</em></p> mukoyimah mukoyimah, Ruhang, Qoidatus Syariah Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Cyberstalking on social media, how does Islam view it? <p>With the development of information technology and the internet, social media has replaced real social relations with virtual ones. However, virtual social relations carry risks, one of which is Cyberstalking (Rohman &amp; Sugeng 2022) Cyberstalking is a dangerous cybercrime and targets many people, communities, and organizations (Baer, 2020) As a crime, cyberstalking fulfills the elements of a criminal act which results in disruption of social order (Wall, 2007). Thus, cyberstalking is contrary to Islamic principles because it creates an insecure atmosphere. This research is library research using library materials in the form of books, journals, magazines, and other library sources as study material (Sukmadinata, 2010). Researchers will use a descriptive qualitative approach. Cyberstalking is a term used to describe various behaviors that involve repeated threats and/or harassment using electronic mail or other computer-based communications that will make people afraid or concerned for their safety (Gopalan, R.T. 2020). In Islam, these actions are prohibited acts because they contain elements of harassment, threats, harassment, or coercion. In interacting, Islam puts forward the concept of "rahmatan lil alamin" which means being a source of mercy and benefit for all creation (Rouzi, K.S., Suud, F.M., &amp; Chaer, M.T. 2021), emphasizing values such as tolerance, discipline, social care, responsibility answer, and love peace (Nasir, M.S., &amp; Khalilurrahman 2022). These values can be applied to the concept of privacy, encouraging individuals to respect the boundaries and personal space of others. The Qur'an teaches that stalking and harassment are prohibited by Allah, and humans need to be careful when engaging in such activities. In conclusion, cyberstalking is a form of harassment that violates Islamic principles and can cause harm to individuals and society.</p> Nurul Isnaini, Annisa Azzahro Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Representation of Hedonism Lifestyle on the Islamic Media Platform <p>Web claims itself to be a Muslim news platform in Indonesia. However, upon further scrutinizing its contents, not all information uploaded is news with Islamic values. The website contains a lot of information that may lead to jealousy and envy by promoting hedonism. This research aims to determine the representation of the hedonistic lifestyle published by the Muslim online platform This research also explores how media represents good news or information content that should invite people to do good according to Islamic teachings and how a media claiming to promote Islamic values disseminates and provides information to the public. This research uses a qualitative method with library research using Roland Barthez’s Semiotic Theory which contains a system model for analyzing a meaning, including denotative meaning (true meaning), connotative meaning (figurative meaning), and mythical meaning. Based on the results of data processing, this study shows that the contents of represent the public figure’s hedonistic lifestyle. The hedonistic lifestyle represented in the article shows public figures who like to spend money, use branded products, and live extravagantly. Web indicates that those public figures’ hedonistic lifestyle is a form of fulfilling personal satisfaction and pleasure, which indicates a hedonistic lifestyle.</p> Fitriyah, Dimas Prasetya Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Konsep Jihad Syeikh Muhammad Ilyas Al-Kandahlawi Dalam Tradisi Khuruj Fii Sabilillah Jama’ah Tabligh Di India <p>Jihad merupakan bagian dari usaha dakwah yang membutuhkan pengorbanan tinggi baik berupa pengorbanan jiwa, raga maupun harta untuk dapat menegakkan agama dimuka bumi ini. Namun seiring terjadinya aksi teror yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok golongan tertentu membuat konsep jihad sering diidentikkan dengan <em>qital</em> (bunuh), <em>harb</em> (perang, <em>war</em>) bahkan <em>irhab</em> (terorisme). Tetapi dalam usaha dakwah untuk menumbuhkan kembali agama Islam dihati masyarakat India terutama Mewat, Syeikh Ilyas memiliki cara yang unik dengan membuat gerakan dakwah khuruj fii sabilillah. Dari gerakan dakwah ini, Syeikh Ilyas telah memberikan wajah baru dalam konsep jihad untuk membawa perubahan didalam kehidupan beragama masyarakat Mewat. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui konsep jihad Syeikh Muhammad Ilyas Al-Kandahlawi dalam tradisi khuruj fii sabilillah jama’ah tabligh di India. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-library research dengan pendekatan historis atau heuristik serta menggunakan jenis penelitian <em>life story</em>. Hasil penelitiannya adalah terdapat lima konsep jihad dalam tradisi khuruj fii sabilillah yakni <em>Pertama</em>, jihad dalam perjuangan batin untuk menundukkan elemen dasar jiwa perseorangan jama’ah yang merupakan sebuah refleksi perjuangan untuk menundukkan elemen dasar jiwa masyarakat India agar mau meninggalkan perbuatan maksiat dan perjuangan tersebut tanpa dilakukan atau melalui jalan kekerasan atau anarkis. <em>Kedua</em>, jihad untuk menumbuhkan keyakinan akan ganjaran yang didapat dari janji Allah bagi umat muslim yang keluar dijalan Allah SWT, pergi dari satu tempat ketempat lain untuk menghidupkan kembali agama yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah SAW yakni Islam kedalam hati masyarakat India terutama yang ada di Mewat dan sekitarnya. <em>Ketiga</em>, jihad dengan mengorbankan jiwa, raga dan harta benda demi kepentingan gerakan dakwah khuruj fii sabilillah. <em>Keempat</em>, jihad untuk melatih kesabaran para jama’ah dalam menghadapi segala bentuk fitnah, cemoohan maupun diperlakukan tidak baik selama berdakwah di India, dan <em>Terakhir </em>yakni jihad untuk melawan kebodohan.&nbsp;</p> Nik Amul Lia Lia Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Generation Z Media Literacy Awareness of the Rainbow Symbol on Tik-tok as an LGBT Campaign <p><em>Tik-tok is a social media that has been present in Indonesia since 2018 and was blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Information for one week because it gave negative broadcasts. However, Tik-tok has now spread as a medium for campaigning for various aspects, one of which is the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) is a term for people who have deviations in their sexual orientation and are synonymous with the rainbow flag and rainbow symbol. LGBT with rainbow symbol on Tik-tok. </em><em>The formulation of the problem discussed was regarding how to use the rainbow symbol on Tik-tok as an LGBT campaign and how media literacy awareness of Generation Z on LGBT campaigns in using the rainbow symbol on Tik-tok (Studies on Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Students of UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. </em><em>The type of research used is qualitative, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used by researchers is using the method from Miles and Huberman, which includes the process of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. </em><em>The results of research on rainbow symbols in some content on Tik-tok are a campaign for LGBT actors in the world, including Indonesia. Although there are two possible uses of the rainbow symbol as something related to aesthetic elements. The results of the analysis of Z generation's media literacy awareness of LGBT campaigns in using the rainbow symbol on Tik-tok (Study on Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Students of UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan) are still not met, namely there are four New Media Literacy frameworks, namely the consumption function includes consuming skills and understanding, critical consumption includes analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, participation functions include prosuming skills and distribution, as well as critical participation.</em></p> Ayu Mujiyanti, Vyki Mazaya Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analogi Praktek Zina dan Dating App Menurut Islam <p>Kemajuan teknologi menimbulkan dampak yang signifikan terhadap hubungan sosial di masyarakat salah <br>satunya kemunculan aplikasi kencan online (dating app). Meskipun hal ini mempermudah komunikasi dan <br>interaksi antar individu, tetapi hal ini juga membawa tantangan moral. Penelitian ini menggali pandangan <br>islam terhadap penggunaan dating app dalam konteks potensi terjadinya praktek zina Al-Qur'an secara <br>tegas melarang praktik zina dan menekankan perlunya menjaga pandangan dan perilaku. Data menunjukkan <br>peningkatan pengunduhan dan penggunaan dating app di kalangan masyarakat, tetapi masyarakat memiliki <br>pandangan yang bervariasi terhadap hal tersebut, mencakup pandangan positif hingga kekhawatiran <br>terhadap perbuatan zina. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana penggunaan dating app dapat <br>mempengaruhi ketaatan seseorang terhadap nilai-nilai agama Islam. Dengan fokus pada konsep praktik <br>zina dalam Islam, penelitian ini menyoroti risiko ketidakjelasan batasan pergaulan dan dampak negatif yang <br>dapat ditimbulkan. Sebagai solusi, penelitian ini mendorong pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap <br>ajaran Islam dalam konteks teknologi, serta memberikan wawasan tentang bagaimana masyarakat Muslim <br>dapat menghadapi perkembangan teknologi dengan mempertahankan nilai-nilai agama dan moralitas.<br>Kata Kunci: Zina, Dating App, Kemajuan teknologi, Pandangan Islam</p> eka saputri, Tiara Vania Wijaya Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Iqtida: Journal of Da’wah and Communication Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700