Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Ojek Online Gaskeun Delivery Akibat Pembatalan secara Sepihak oleh Konsumen


  • Anissa Qotrunada UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Heris Suhendar UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Hairus Saleh UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan



compensation, gaskeun delivery, cancellation of agremeent, legal protection


The research is motivated by the unilateral cancellation of the agreement by consumers of online gaskeun delivery motorcycle taxis. In contrastto grab or gojek, which has established technology, the gaskeun delivery payment system does not use e-money but with cash payment after the order reaches the consumer, so the potential for consumers to cancel orders unilatery is very large. The purpose to 1). Explain the protection of online gaskeun delivery motorcycle taxis in handling unilateral cancellation of agreements by consumers; 2). Describe the legal consequences of unilaterally canceling the agreement by the consumer; 3). Find a legal solution due to the unilateral cancellation of the agreement by the consumer. This type of research is an empirical juridical research using a sosiological approach to law, legislation and conceptual. The source of this research data was obtained from primary data, the results of interviews with owners and drivers. Secondary data sources are obtained from legal materials such as the civil code and non-legal materials which include books, journals, and scientific works relevant to the research. The findings is 1). Cancellation of an agreement made unilaterally without any reason justified by law is an unlawful act, as stipulated in the Supreme Court Jurisprudence No.4/Yur/Pdt/2018; 2). The legal consequences of unilateral cancellation of the agreement, namely the emergence of the right to claim compensation for the canceled party and the obligation to compensate for losses for those who cancle the agreement; and 3). There are two approaches that can be used in resolving an agreement cancellation unilaterally, namely the interest-based and rights-based approaches. Of these two approaches, the interest-based approach is the first choice. This is because this approach can be carried out effectively and efficiently, bearing in mind that the amount of losses incurred from these actions is not too large.



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