Sounds in Fawasil Verses and Its Relation to Meaning: Phonetic Studies of the Qur'an in Q.S al-Buruj


  • Raisya Miftakhul Rahma UIN Walisongo Semarang



Fawasil Verse, Phonetics, Q.S al-Buruj


This paper is entitled "The Sound of the Fawasil Verse and Its Relation to the Meaning: Phonetic Study of the Qur'an in Q.S al-Buruj", aims to examine the beauty of the sound produced from the Fawasil verse of Q.S al-Buruj and its relation to the meaning contained in the verse, because every letter in the Qur'an is a miracle that proves that the Qur'an is Kalamullah. This paper is a qualitative research with a library research approach and the paper uses phonetic theory. The subject of this paper is fawasilul ayat. Data will be collected using documentation analytical methods and data will be analyzed using descriptive percentage analysis methods.

The conclusion of this paper is that  the  fawasil  verse  is  evidence  of  the fluency of the Qur'an which explains that  the  Qur'an  did  not  come  from human speech. The  beauty  of  the  fawasil  verse  of  Q.S  al-Buruj  lies  in  the last letter that forms the rhyme and the last syllable that  produces  a  long sound. In addition, the sounds of the letters in the fawasil verse are related to their meaning content. The difference is very visible when  the  Qur'an explains two contradictory things, namely about the recompense for the disbelievers and the recompense for the believers which  is  voiced  with  a sound of inhibition and silent vibration.


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How to Cite

Rahma, R. M. (2022). Sounds in Fawasil Verses and Its Relation to Meaning: Phonetic Studies of the Qur’an in Q.S al-Buruj. Aqwal: Journal of Qur’an and Hadis Studies, 3(2), 124–139.


