Alsinatuna <p>ALSINATUNA: ISSN 2477-5371 (Print) and ISSN 2503-2690 [Online]</p> <p>ALSINATUNA is a scientific journal in Arabic and English that covers current and contemporary issues related to Arabic linguistics and teaching at the middle school and higher education levels. It is published by the Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, in collaboration with the Arabic Teachers Association of Indonesia (IMLA).</p> Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan en-US Alsinatuna 2477-5371 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Role Play Method in Improving Students’ Arabic Speaking Skills: A Case in an Islamic Education Management Program <p><em>This research investigates the efficacy of the role-play method in improving Arabic speaking skills among students enrolled in the Islamic Education Management Program at STAI Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Malang. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach involving observation and interviews, the study reveals that the role-play method significantly enhances students' self-confidence and proficiency in Arabic speaking. Instructors play a pivotal role in shaping and facilitating role-plays, offering constructive feedback to aid in skill refinement. Despite positive student responses, acknowledging the method's relevance and practicality in honing their Arabic communication skills, challenges such as limited resources and initial role discomfort were noted. The findings suggest that the role-play method effectively contributes to students' comprehension of Islamic education contexts and their preparedness for related careers. The research proposes that instructors incorporate this method more extensively into their teaching strategies. Moreover, students can benefit from recognizing the value of role-play in refining their Arabic speaking abilities. To address the identified challenges and provide a comprehensive understanding of the method's effectiveness, future research should explore broader applications and offer deeper insights into the impact of the role-play method.</em></p> Maryam Nur Annisa Fatia Rahmanita Durrotun Nashihah Nuriatul Maftukhah Laily Fitriani Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 1 15 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.1865 Enhancing Arabic Speaking Skills In Traditional Pesantren <p><em>Proficiency in the Arabic language is imperative in the context of Islamic education. However, the effective study of Arabic remains a challenge, hindering students' abilities to engage with Islamic texts and communicate in Arabic-speaking environments. Focusing on Pesantren Raudhatul Ulum-Pati, this study investigates the strategies and challenges associated with enhancing Arabic speaking skills in traditional Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren). Specific teaching techniques employed by instructors at this pesantren, aimed at improving students' Arabic speaking abilities, as well as the challenges impeding fluency, were examined through a qualitative research design, including classroom observations and interviews with teachers, administrators, and students. The outcomes highlight the importance of innovative methods and shed light on issues such as a lack of exposure to Arabic-speaking environments. The program implemented in this pesantren serves as an exemplary model for other traditional Islamic boarding schools seeking to elevate their students' proficiency in the Arabic language. The findings of this study hold significant implications for all traditional Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Indonesia.</em></p> Ahmad Maghfurin Moh. Ahsanul Husna Nur Cholid Nurul Asma Mazlan Jumiati Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 16 28 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.1957 Jacob's Analytical Assessment in the Evaluation of Arabic Writing Skills at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Program Keagamaan <p><em>This article aims to determine the level of Arabic writing proficiency of class X PK 1 </em><em>Madrasah Aliyah Program Keagamaan (</em><em>MANPK</em><em>)</em><em> Jember students in writing essays. The sample for this research was 20 students, here</em> <em>in</em> <em>after referred to as students 1 - students 20 (S1-S20). Data was taken from students' "Simple Essays" written in class. These texts were then analyzed based on the Jacobs Analysis Rubric to assess students' general Arabic writing proficiency. This technique proposes assessing five criteria in students' Arabic writing, namely from the aspects of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. This research uses a quantitative descriptive research design</em><em>. </em><em>The results of the evaluation of students' Arabic writing using Jacob's analysis were that the average student's writing ability was at a good to average level. This can be seen from the number of students whose Arabic writing skills in all aspects are at a perfect to very good level, only 10%, while the number of students who are at a good to average level in all aspects of the assessment is 60% and 30% of other students. is at a fair to poor level in all aspects, except for the aspect of vocabulary use and selection, which is at a good to sufficient level. These findings can be used as feedback for teachers to improve the process of learning Arabic writing skills</em><em>.</em></p> <p> </p> Elok Rufaiqoh Sutaman Sutaman Zakiyah Arifa Nahla Ibrahim ElJack Ibrahim Hasyim Asy’ari Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 29 40 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.1913 Developing Arabic Language Learning Media Based on Lectora Inspire 17 Applications for Junior High School <p>The prevailing methods of Arabic language instruction predominantly rely on didactic approaches involving lectures and memorization, contributing to a waning interest and motivation among students. This pedagogical challenge is exacerbated by the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly impeded traditional learning activities in schools. In response to these impediments, the development of Arabic language learning media utilizing the Lectora Inspire 17 application emerges as a viable solution, fostering an environment conducive to engaging and self-directed learning. This research endeavors to construct an android-based Arabic learning medium employing the Lectora Inspire 17 application. The focus lies on assessing the efficacy and viability of the developed learning media at <em>MTs Hidayatul Athfal Banyurip Alit</em> Pekalongan. Employing the ADDIE development model method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), this study conducts a comprehensive examination of the media's feasibility. The evaluation conducted by media experts yielded a favorable percentage of 82%, placing the developed media in the feasible category. Moreover, assessments by subject matter experts resulted in an impressive percentage of 90%, categorizing the material as highly feasible. Notably, students' responses to the learning media demonstrated a substantial approval rate of 90% in the highly feasible category. Consequently, it is evident that the Arabic language learning media based on the Lectora Inspire 17 android application is well-suited to serve as an effective educational tool.</p> Jauhar Ali Ayu Tiffani Maulida Muhammad Ulil Fahmi R. Umi Baroroh Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 41 50 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.2064 Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in Arabic for Students of State Islamic University <p><em>Willingness to Communicate (WTC) stands as a crucial factor influencing language usage intensity, particularly in the pursuit of language learning objectives. This study investigates the WTC levels of students enrolled in Arabic Language Education (PBA) and Arabic Language and Literature (BSA) programs across three distinct contexts: inside the classroom (IC), outside the classroom (OC), and in the digital context (DC). Furthermore, the research seeks to identify the contributing factors affecting WTC in Arabic. Employing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the study assesses the WTC of PBA and BSA students. A sample size of n = 213 (PBA = 110, BSA = 103) is utilized for the quantitative analysis, employing questionnaires to collect data, subsequently analyzed through descriptive statistics. The qualitative approach delves deeper into understanding the factors influencing WTC in Arabic among PBA and BSA students. The findings reveal that BSA students exhibit a higher WTC rate compared to PBA students across all three contexts: IC, OC, and DC. Notably, the most elevated WTC levels are observed inside the classroom (IC). Multiple factors, including environmental conditions, Arabic language proficiency, and psychological states, contribute to this variance. Consequently, the study recommends that educators implement engaging learning methodologies within the classroom to foster increased Arabic language acquisition and a heightened willingness to utilize Arabic among students.</em></p> Muhammad Nur Kholis Burhan Yusuf Habibi Muhammad Zaenuri Luthfi Qoriatul Hasanah Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 51 64 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.2206 Digitizing the Teaching of Receptive and Productive Skills for Ta’bir Syafawi Course Using My Klass <p><em>Technological development in</em><em> digital age is driving a significant educational transformation but have not yet been fully responded optimally. This study aims to discover the digitization of teaching receptive and productive skills for ta’bir syafawi course using My Klass at Arabic Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The researchers employed a case study in this course as one of the department's mandatory courses. In-depth observation and documentation were used to acquire data from the My Klass application which was then descriptively examined using the Miles and Huberman technique, which consists of data display - data reduction - conclusion/verification. The findings showed that My Klass is a digital learning application based on Moodle with two key components. The first type is used to create 22 study activities, four of which were used in the course: "attendance, assignment, forum, and feedback". The second is utilized to generate seven different sorts of instructional resources, two of which are used: file and URL. This study concluded that the program is excellent for digitizing the teaching of both receptive and productive language skills. It has numerous advantages including ease of use and flexibility, interaction and collaboration, consideration of individual branches, and centralized access to academic resources. The teacher's lack of technological skill, a lack of learning engagement, the prevalence of social isolation, and the issue of personal data protection are among the challenges in using this application. </em></p> Fitri Zakiyah Moh. Idris Abdel Rahman El Sayed Abdel Ghaffar Balah Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 65 76 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.2119 Preserving Meaning and Context: A Study of Cultural Adaptation in the Translation of Arabic Proverbs <p><em>This research delves into the intricate dynamics of translating proverbs, aiming to ensure that the essence of the source language is accurately conveyed in the target language. Translating proverbs presents unique challenges due to the inherent cultural and contextual nuances embedded within them. To address this, employing culturally equivalent strategies becomes crucial in faithfully representing the intended meaning. The process of translating through culture is not merely a mechanical task; it serves as a bridge fostering a profound understanding between different cultures. This bridge facilitates the effective communication of proverbial messages in the target language, exemplified by the proverb "Qabla ar-rima tumlau al-kanain." A literal translation fails to capture its essence, but a cultural approach reveals its Indonesian equivalent: "sedia paying sebelum hujan." This stark contrast underscores the necessity of cultural adaptation to convey the intended message accurately. This qualitative study relies on data sourced from various references, such as "Al-Balaghah Al-Wadhihah" and "Al-Amtsal Al-Arabiyyah Wa Al-Amtsal Al-Amiyah: Muqaranah Dalaliyah" by Al-hamzawi. Proverbs are extracted, and the research applies content analysis and a cultural adaptation approach. The fusion of Arabic proverbs with Indonesian counterparts from works like Dipo Udi's "Kumpulan Peribahasa Indonesia" and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's "500 Pepatah" allows for a comprehensive analysis. The findings affirm that cultural adaptation effectively conveys proverbial messages. This adaptation involves substituting proverbs with culturally relevant expressions, ensuring a seamless integration into the cultural context of the target language. Ultimately, this research sheds light on the significance of cultural sensitivity in translating proverbs for a more nuanced and accurate representation of their intended meanings.</em></p> Zaki Ghufron Subhan Subhan Mufrodi Mufrodi Azizah Alawiyyah Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 77 87 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.2007 Manāhij Al-Buḥūṡ Al-‘Ilmiyyah fī Qismi Ta’līm Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah li Al-Marḥalah Al-Jāmi’iyyah bi Jāmi’ah Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta wa Jāmi’ah ‘Ulūm Al-Qur’an bi Wonosobo wa Jāmi’ah Semarang Al-Ḥukūmiyyah wa Jāmi’ah Muḥammadiyyah bi Yogyakarta <p><em>This study aims to describe and create a concept map the research methods of Arabic Language Education undergraduate programs at </em><em>UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UNSIQ Wonosobo, UNNES and UMY. </em><em>This research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Data </em><em>collection</em><em> using documentation techniques. Data were analyzed inductively with content analysis method. The qualitative data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model, namely data reduction, data submission and conclusion drawing. Meanwhile, quantitative data analysis uses a frequency distribution. The validity of the findings was tested by using the triangulation technique of data sources. The results of the study show there are three research methods, namely experimental methods (38.3%), comparative methods (6.1%) and descriptive methods (55.6%). Descriptive method consists of case study method (17.8%), literature review method (15%), development method (12.2%), correlation method (7.8%), and activity analysis method (2.8%) and the map of research methods can be described globally or in detail with a focus on descriptive, experimental and comparative methods. The theoretical findings of this study indicate that the use of various methods in scientific research in Arabic language education that is adapted to research needs will have an effect on improving the quality of knowledge in Arabic language education.</em></p> Agung Setiyawan Muchlisin Soleh Meidias Abror Wicaksono Fouad Larhzizer Copyright (c) 2023 Alsinatuna 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 9 1 88 108 10.28918/alsinatuna.v9i1.1887