The The Dialectics of Polygamy and Feminism: An Analysis of Mentoring Polygamy by Coach Hafidin and Musdah Mulia’s Thoughts


  • Alifia Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia and Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
  • Bhirawa Anoraga Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia



Dialectics;, Polygamy;, Thought.


The practice of polygamy in Muslim life still attracts an intense debate regarding the way women are viewed. Although the teachings of Islam allow and have determined the rules for those who are polygamous, problems often arise when a Muslim man enters into a polygamous marriage. Polygamy is currently still a pro-con in society. In fact, a negative stigma is often given to the perpetrators Polygamy is considered detrimental to women and only benefits men. In modern feminist discourse, there is a perspective that polygamy is an act that deprives women of their rights and freedom. This research focuses on Hafidin and Musdah Mulia's dialectic on polygamy. This research is a qualitative-descriptive research. The data sources used are several YouTube videos of Hafidin's polygamy coach class and Musdah Mulia's arguments. The data collection method used in this research is the listening method with note-taking technique. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive comparison method. namely by describing the data findings contained in coach Hafidin's class and comparing them with Musdah Mulia's thoughts. The results of this study can be concluded that polygamy is not a simple problem, but rather a complex problem and requires a lot of consideration, including whether polygamy can have a positive or negative impact on the couple.

Author Biography

Bhirawa Anoraga, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia

Dr Anoraga is the Secretary of the Master's Program and lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). He holds a PhD from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra.


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How to Cite

Adha, A. Z., & Anoraga, B. . (2024). The The Dialectics of Polygamy and Feminism: An Analysis of Mentoring Polygamy by Coach Hafidin and Musdah Mulia’s Thoughts . Muwazah, 16(1), 108–123.


